Friday, October 1, 2010

a stranger in the mirror.

I would say this is one of the worst novels I happened to read.

Its starts with something interesting - story of a boy named Toby Temple. Side-by-side, he also narrates about a wicked mother and her daughter who, we supposedly know, is the female-lead in the story. Author just keeps the story of this girl in suspense (like bits n' pieces here and there) for quite a while and that is what, I felt, which kept me going.

However, the sad part is, the story is so predictable. The Master of Unexpected turned out to be something which was so-very-expected. I hoped for something would eventually turn out which would make my predictions wrong. But noting of that sort happened.

Verdict - the book is damn boring!


Urvashi said...

Hey r u reading one book dialy..??? So amny reviews here...

I hvnt read Agatha Christie yet but wil lsurely try it sometime..!!! :)

n yeah about "A stranger in the Mirror", i found the book really good..(maybe because I'm a die-hard Sidney Sheldon fan) It wasn't so predictable...which other books have u read then???

Phewww said...

one book daily???? O_O
not at all...hehe.. m not that fast...

n agatha christie is just great.. u must read her books.. mostly thrillers...

m readin 'master of the game' by Sidney Sheldon.. :D

Anonymous said...

You are partly right Urvashi .. maybe as far as his reading addiction is on , he can rename his blog as Book Reviews Big tym :D:D:D

Phewww said...

hehe.. hmmm i like that Arthi...
'Book reviews big time'... hehe... better than 'my life sux'.. :D


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