I still remember the incident for it was the first time I played cricket with a stitch ball. I was fielding very close to the batsman and I was obviously nervous. And then, out of the blue, the ball hit my face. I turned around and fell down. I could not see anything for a few seconds.
I stood up and touched my cheeks. I could not even feel my cheeks. I felt something wet on my fingers. Blood! From my nose. I was breathing blood.
I ran to my room and stared into the mirror. No, nothing has happened except blood was flowing as if I opened a water tap. My friends took me to a doctor and luckily there was no bone injury. I was happy that I was breathing air with the same nose.
Its only next day that I noticed. My nose has bent a little. To the right or left, I don't remember. But I was certain that my nose was not in proper condition as it was two days before. I could feel a small 'hump' on my nose. I convinced myself of having a 'crooked nose'.
I had to get rid of it. Desperately. And then it striked me.
I took a small hammer. And I felt stupid of the idea of hitting my nose with a hammer to set it straight. It was not that stupid as long as no one is watching me. I patted my nose a couple of times staring into the mirror but it didn't help. I needed support - support for my nose, I mean.
I supported my nose on the edge of a table and I patted again. No. Not working. Okay. Last try. I hit my nose hard. Just once. And I went blind.
Wow! I felt I'm the stupidest person alive on the planet.
Photo Credit: Lars Sundstrom / Image / Website
I stood up and touched my cheeks. I could not even feel my cheeks. I felt something wet on my fingers. Blood! From my nose. I was breathing blood.
I ran to my room and stared into the mirror. No, nothing has happened except blood was flowing as if I opened a water tap. My friends took me to a doctor and luckily there was no bone injury. I was happy that I was breathing air with the same nose.
Its only next day that I noticed. My nose has bent a little. To the right or left, I don't remember. But I was certain that my nose was not in proper condition as it was two days before. I could feel a small 'hump' on my nose. I convinced myself of having a 'crooked nose'.
I had to get rid of it. Desperately. And then it striked me.
I took a small hammer. And I felt stupid of the idea of hitting my nose with a hammer to set it straight. It was not that stupid as long as no one is watching me. I patted my nose a couple of times staring into the mirror but it didn't help. I needed support - support for my nose, I mean.
I supported my nose on the edge of a table and I patted again. No. Not working. Okay. Last try. I hit my nose hard. Just once. And I went blind.
Wow! I felt I'm the stupidest person alive on the planet.
Photo Credit: Lars Sundstrom / Image / Website
Ha Ha Ha Ha! That was a hilarious Post Anoop! What comes to my mind is
1) A Joke.
I saw a ball getting bigger and bigger, until it hit me.
2) Your awesome connections in brain which gave you the idea of setting the nose back to its shape!
I am still laughing....
dont laugh too much... :P so tat means u r acceptin tat i was a stupid huh?? :( :(
That was really funny anoop !!
It happened with me too one day when i was a kid and was playing cricket with my bro...that heavy ball punched on my nose but didn't treated my nose that way. Hehe :D
nice !
You presented it well :)
hey thanks for likin my post... :D n nice to kno tat u dint do anythin stupid like i did.... :)
thanks a lot.... :D
hahahaha hilarious! so stupid you can get huh?? :D :D so do u still have your nose or are you voldemart??
goodness!! happens sometimes :)
hope your nose got back to shape!!
Honey! You are sooo intelligent! :p
cute though! A bit stupid too..hah!
Hammering your nose back to being straight...loooool
"Wow! I felt I'm the stupidest person alive on the planet"
i feel the same :P
nice post. i will come for more :)
take care !
happy blogging! :)
yea...sometimes i get so stupid... :D
n this happened when i was in 10th.. :D
yes..its back in shape...... :) thank god nothin happened at the time.. :D
hehehe... yea...i'm so intelligent na.... :D i kno... :D
thanks for ur comment..... :)
u too feel the same?? y?? for the tattoo??? ;) :D hehe
thanks for comin.. :D
yes..it did..... :D
OUCH! That must have really hurt!! :D
hey thanks a lot.. thanks for stoppin by... :)
n yes...it did hurt.. :D
hahahahhahha :D
u can close ur mouth now... :P :D
hilarious post...!!!nice one!!!
thanks a lot........ :) m happy.... :D
Hehe..that was indeed stupid....
Nice post.
Thanks a lot Neeha.... :)
This was so literal! Nice:) I also like the look of your blog:)
Anoop,a very nice post :D
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