I received some text messages few days back. It was from the consultancy through which I got selected in Hyderabad-Company. Messages were kind of rude saying that I should have informed about rejecting the offer earlier. 'She' had also mentioned that she has never met such a smart and greedy guy in her life. Khe khe khe...
I take it as a compliment. In one way or the other every one in this world are selfish. But not everyone in this world are smart. So that message clearly said I'm smart. But is that the way to contact a person? Sending rude text messages?
I replied as an email saying blah blah blah stupid reasons to justify my lies. I also thanked her for calling me smart. It was kind of War-of-Words. khe khe khe... I got sudden rude-replies from her. She was complaining about my professionalism.
Fuck her! I actually wanted to copy-paste those emails here. But then I wouldn't be a professional. Actually I'm not. khe khe khe...cuz I feel I gave rude replies too :D But thats OK. She did first. Khe khe khe...
So, that's all about it. I'm gonna join Bangalore-Company on 10th this month.
PS: I know this post made no sense to anyone. I cant help it though. I'm out of my mind.
I take it as a compliment. In one way or the other every one in this world are selfish. But not everyone in this world are smart. So that message clearly said I'm smart. But is that the way to contact a person? Sending rude text messages?
I replied as an email saying blah blah blah stupid reasons to justify my lies. I also thanked her for calling me smart. It was kind of War-of-Words. khe khe khe... I got sudden rude-replies from her. She was complaining about my professionalism.
Fuck her! I actually wanted to copy-paste those emails here. But then I wouldn't be a professional. Actually I'm not. khe khe khe...cuz I feel I gave rude replies too :D But thats OK. She did first. Khe khe khe...
So, that's all about it. I'm gonna join Bangalore-Company on 10th this month.
PS: I know this post made no sense to anyone. I cant help it though. I'm out of my mind.
Reallly funny and smart... :):)
Good luck wid ur new job @ a new place..
Enjoy.. :) :)
I made all the sense to me but I am lotttttt happy to hear your khe khes missed it so much ...And good that you gave a proof of ur smartness , otherwise i wud have doubted it ;):P
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