I dont know why they expect me to do exactly the same thing what they ask me to do. They love me. They grew me up. I love them. But that doesnt mean that they can take advantage of my love for them. I just cant do anything else but what they ask me to do. They do good things for me. In fact really good things. But that is not what i want.
Do I not have rights over my life?
Do I not have rights over my life?
I know... they will tell u that tea is better than coffee :).
sometimes I feel the same!
gues u r pointing sm1 vy close ..n yeah i agree smtyms too much love suffocates n top of dat their expectations to do thngs their way add fuel to fire :(
hmm.. true.. well expressed.. :-)
hi anoop.. you have been awarded :)
check out my blog.:)
yes,,,they always will.. :((
Chocolate lover
every1 feel the same... :)
hmmm...ofcos, they r close to me. tats y i cant ignore them.. :(
Thanks... BTW Nice pic :D
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