Now that I know why do people write blogs, my next concern is why do people comment/follow blogs.
I have no idea how a girl behaves when she sees a new blog. But I do know something.
- Girls like to be 'commented', though they don't comment.
- They comment because you commented. Tit-for-Tat.
- They dont comment. They update their blog, saying they were busy doing something more important and would comment soon (before world ends).
- They comment because there are nice girls too.
- They comment. Exploiting Tit-for-Tat.
- They do comment/follow, if its worth doing.
- Are you a frequent commenter on my blog?
- The blog is just amazing.
- The blog author is a girl.
Photo Credit: Miamiamia / Image
I truly agree with what you said about guys generosity rather about girls :)
Well i commented before u even read my blog. Thts shows that i am a nice girl (according to ur blog). Nd i hope u followed my blog coz the blog was amazing :p...though thr r lil chances f tht.
Nice cute small read!
It would be unfair if I didnt comment even after reading this :P , well , you forgot to add one more point in the 'girls' list , they coment/dont based on their mood too , of which , I am a part :P , and well the guys perspective , you better know it well ! :)
Lol..It's so partly funny and partly serious for girls hehehe..
You know it can be applicable vice-versa too..but as you see there are lots of different type of people around you..each one has a unique take but ya out of those so many might have a bunch of similar traits.
P.S.-Don't worry i am a tomboy :P :P
ehhehe.... u agree uh???? :O :D
yea its true actually... ;)
no no...the post was not abt my commenting on other blogs... hehehe ;) n yes ur blog is good.. :)
hey long time no see... thanks for droppin by... :)
omg.... it can b applicable vice versa also??? omg..i dint kno tat... :D hehehe....
its not always tit-for-tat for girls.....it mostly depends on mood....we especially me..tend to have huge mood swings!!
omg... depends on mood??? y is tat so Anushree??
Yea , actually back to blogging in real terms :P you still in Delhi huh ?
arty... nope..
m in cochin now.. :D
Hmm...this post left me all puzzled!! :D Interesting read.
puzzled?? y? :O
thanks for droppin by... :D
and who would mind if someone is being so generous :P
never knew that comments were also gender biased :P
no one would mind... hehehe.. ;)
n its not abt all comments... thr r exceptions too... :)
hehe...thanks a lot Sneha...
thanks for droppin by... :)
m sure u'll get a lot of comments for this post :D
p.s: i have some defense for not being a regular. m looking for a job!! :-/
yes..u said it... hehe... i think this is the most commented post in my blog, ever.... :D
lookin for a job?need help? ;)
How many guys have commented here? I think I'm the first. :) What you've said about guys are mostly true but I
think it's the contents of your blog that matters. If you write well, you'll be read by many though you may not get as much comments.
haha...both ur post and comments above are partially true and funny..
thanks for droppin by n for ur comments... its 90% true...m here to prove the rest 10%.... hehehe
thanks a lot.... :D
Well... whatever you said is true..
I find the soul in your worlds.
I hope your life really don't suck anymore :)
You earned a follower!
Love and Peace
hehe... anna..no my life doesnt suck anymore... :D
n thanks for followin.... :D
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