This is not a techie kinda post n m not here to talk abt Business Process Management. i hardly know abt it.. :P
so the answer for y such a post lies in the 'Heading' itself...
One of my frnd in offis, Kashifa, told me to write abt BPM CoE members... not all of them, but abt my frnds. i dint take it seriously at first, but its worth. :D
i hav a reason (which is valid for me) to hav this topic in my blog :D...

So let me start.... About BPM COE!
i got many frnds out there. but there are some of them which i know lil bit betta than others. mite b cuz i talk to them often or i see them often... many reasons, as many as u can think of... :)
Very first memeber of BPM COE i wud like to talk abt is ME! :D Anoop.
Don worry... i m not gonna write an essay abt myself. In stead i can direct u to my 'aBoUt mE tHiNgY...' post in my blog. my very first post. :)
The moment i say the name, it's her smile (or laugh? :O) that comes to my mind. tats her identity. think how Vodafone ZooZoo laughs?? Khe khe khe khee.... yea...somethin like tat... she does the same. She can laugh for hours n hours together. she is very beautiful* and you can neva find such a gal in our offis... at least in BPM COE. She wears 'Pardha' ( i dono for sure if thats the name/spelling). i dono how she survives in Chennai wearin tat. its way too hot out there in Chennai. Hmmm...
She is really helpful and a real nice gal! :P
You know, once she went for some treat with our offis mates n she dint call me. Next day she brought me a chocolate. i jus made use f the situation to make fun. i acted angry and said i don want her chocolate. She left that in my place and went. i took it n kept inside my bag when she came after a while.
Chocolate is gone! She asked me where it is. i dint show any sign of response. i dint wanna laugh lookin at her face. She left my place sayin nothin.
i had some work to do and i dint give much importance to that. In fact i dint even think she wud take it seriously...
i saw 2-3 ppl at her place. Okay. They had lotsa work then.Very very important Project! (Kashifa, u know wat i mean??? :P)
i jus walked past her n i jus turned back to see her weepin....
i got tensed.... OMG! Kashifa is cryin cuz f me????? i asked her what happened??
Without any sign of hesitation, she said she s cryin CUZ F ME! :O
jus cuz i dint get the chocolates from her. Hmmmm... it took sometime for her frnds to cheer her up. everythin was ok after tat. :)
She is such a nice gal! n she can be a really good frnd... :)
Kashifa, Don go toooooo high readin this... khe khe khe....
Readers, her dad is a police officer. n i recently heard that her Chitthappa (Father's Bro) is in Central Crime Branch! WHAAAAAAAAAAAATTT????????????
She is a very nice gal to be with... :) i really mean it refering the above statement!
Guys, DON MESS UP WITH HER! At least take an insurance b4 u really do. :D
Santhamurthy n Vijay!
Santha is my Project Manager and Vijay is my colleague. 2 jovial guys you can think of. Santha is one of the best PMs you could think of, in my company. :)
Not to flatter you Santha.
Santha is a very jolly guy. We are not like PM and a develper workin under him. We are like frnds. Santha Vijay and Me! Santha is a typical family guy! No tension nothin... :) He is both enjoyin his family life and official life. He used to help me in Share-trading. He used to give me lotsa information abt many companies. he taught me abt Short-sell and Options trading. having this information, i started helpin my other frnds. They think 'Oh...Anoop is Gr8 in trading... khe khe khe... but the truth is its all cuz of Santha :)
Vijay is another Jolly guy. he used to say lotsa jokes. and we ppl used to laugh our ass off... hehehe... Vijay, got many connections, we cant c any1 in the offis who doesn know him. He started a new project. and QA UAT is over. its yet to got to Pre-Production and Production. :P
She s from Trissur! She is a good lady to spend time with! i dono. she gives me many advices when it comes to my frnds. She used to see me tensed over phone n she gives me lot f adice. But i cant help it. M like this. She is also a PM. recently i came to know tat. we wont feel tat we r talkin to a 'PM' when we talk to her. she is outspoken i guess.
i hav seen her cryin n smilin at the same time. She always say abt her kids, Abhi n Akhila. She showed their fotos also. Akhila is lookin exactly like Anjana. n abhi is lookin like her Hubby. He should be a real nice guy! n i got lotsa reasons to back it up, when i say tat. :)
Anjana doesn know much f cookin.. n everythin is done by her hubby. Hats off to him! he shud be real a patient :D Sorry Anjana. Hope u wont mind. :)
He is one f my project mates. he is famous for his silence. He talks well among his frnds but when it comes to a higher personality or some1 like tat, he keeps mum. tat, i wud say, is his only problem. He also does this trading thing n silently makes money... hehehe....
Rajesh, Ananth and Aditya
Hmmmm... got nothin much to tell abt them...Adi is always concentratin in his studies. He will always be with his ear-phones. Ananth is a very good frnd of mine. He was my Team Lead n now he went to another project. We used to go home together in his bike. He is very busy nowadays in his project. We still keep in touch. He s busy plannin to buy a home in chennai. i think he is done with it. :) i used to borrow money from him at time. i don think i owe him money now :D
Rajesh; hmmmmmmm... orkutin most f the time. Hmmm... i can understand. He used to come online at 2 at nite. Hmm... n don ask me how i know tat. I will also be online then.. khe khe khee... He used to download movies n give it to me. It is somethin like a network. we used to exchange movies. He asks me expert advice abt the movies. I gave him twice, then he stopped. khe khe khe... he had enough. :D
Saket, Shyam, Terror Sevvalai, Ramanathan, Santhosh, Sharanya, Nivedhitha, Meena, Swathika, Ramas, Sindhu, Suresh, Suganya, Soumya, Rajesh, Ashok etc etc etc...these are my frnds in BPM COE family.
Saket seems to b a studious guy. he will be workin most of the time. i used to give him some work too.. :D Sorry Saket. :)
Ramanathan - i dono much abt him. He is Mokkai King! OMG! Tamil nadu Govt provides Holidays for offices for 'Pongal" (its a festival kinda in TN, unfortunately its the name of a food item too). His point is, y is TN Govt givin holidays only for Pongal? He wanna take off for 'Dosai' Idli, White Rice etc etc... OMG!
Santhosh - another studious guy! Harry Potter Fan! preparing for CAT, MOUSE, GATE, DOOR, WINDOW etc etc... khe khe khe...
Sharanya - She is the one n only mallu gal in my team ;) i used to ask her movies but neva got a reply hehehe... i once borrowed reader's digest 3 months. Not returned YET! Sorry :D i think i lost it :|
i don hav time to explain abt all those ppl in the list... so every1 in BPM COE is nice! i think so...
At least they r nice to me :D
Guyssss.... m writin al this not to give u the pleasure of readin somethin nice abt u... khe khe khe... keep readin my blog...n increase the traffic. only then i can b popular (m an introvert though. But the point is 'earning money doesn sour!)... n can earn money. No one is readin my blog :(( :P
at least my frnds can read it na???? khe khe lkhe... this is wat i meant by sayin 'bLeSsInG iN dIsGuIsE'....u ll read this anyway cuz every1 loves readn abt themselves...
Howz my IDEA?????(sorry if its a very BIG blog)
This is not a techie kinda post n m not here to talk abt Business Process Management. i hardly know abt it.. :P
so the answer for y such a post lies in the 'Heading' itself...
One of my frnd in offis, Kashifa, told me to write abt BPM CoE members... not all of them, but abt my frnds. i dint take it seriously at first, but its worth. :D
i hav a reason (which is valid for me) to hav this topic in my blog :D...

So let me start.... About BPM COE!
i got many frnds out there. but there are some of them which i know lil bit betta than others. mite b cuz i talk to them often or i see them often... many reasons, as many as u can think of... :)
Very first memeber of BPM COE i wud like to talk abt is ME! :D Anoop.
Don worry... i m not gonna write an essay abt myself. In stead i can direct u to my 'aBoUt mE tHiNgY...' post in my blog. my very first post. :)
The moment i say the name, it's her smile (or laugh? :O) that comes to my mind. tats her identity. think how Vodafone ZooZoo laughs?? Khe khe khe khee.... yea...somethin like tat... she does the same. She can laugh for hours n hours together. she is very beautiful* and you can neva find such a gal in our offis... at least in BPM COE. She wears 'Pardha' ( i dono for sure if thats the name/spelling). i dono how she survives in Chennai wearin tat. its way too hot out there in Chennai. Hmmm...
She is really helpful and a real nice gal! :P
You know, once she went for some treat with our offis mates n she dint call me. Next day she brought me a chocolate. i jus made use f the situation to make fun. i acted angry and said i don want her chocolate. She left that in my place and went. i took it n kept inside my bag when she came after a while.
Chocolate is gone! She asked me where it is. i dint show any sign of response. i dint wanna laugh lookin at her face. She left my place sayin nothin.
i had some work to do and i dint give much importance to that. In fact i dint even think she wud take it seriously...
i saw 2-3 ppl at her place. Okay. They had lotsa work then.Very very important Project! (Kashifa, u know wat i mean??? :P)
i jus walked past her n i jus turned back to see her weepin....
i got tensed.... OMG! Kashifa is cryin cuz f me????? i asked her what happened??
Without any sign of hesitation, she said she s cryin CUZ F ME! :O
jus cuz i dint get the chocolates from her. Hmmmm... it took sometime for her frnds to cheer her up. everythin was ok after tat. :)
She is such a nice gal! n she can be a really good frnd... :)
Kashifa, Don go toooooo high readin this... khe khe khe....
Readers, her dad is a police officer. n i recently heard that her Chitthappa (Father's Bro) is in Central Crime Branch! WHAAAAAAAAAAAATTT????????????
She is a very nice gal to be with... :) i really mean it refering the above statement!
Guys, DON MESS UP WITH HER! At least take an insurance b4 u really do. :D
Santhamurthy n Vijay!
Santha is my Project Manager and Vijay is my colleague. 2 jovial guys you can think of. Santha is one of the best PMs you could think of, in my company. :)
Not to flatter you Santha.
Santha is a very jolly guy. We are not like PM and a develper workin under him. We are like frnds. Santha Vijay and Me! Santha is a typical family guy! No tension nothin... :) He is both enjoyin his family life and official life. He used to help me in Share-trading. He used to give me lotsa information abt many companies. he taught me abt Short-sell and Options trading. having this information, i started helpin my other frnds. They think 'Oh...Anoop is Gr8 in trading... khe khe khe... but the truth is its all cuz of Santha :)
Vijay is another Jolly guy. he used to say lotsa jokes. and we ppl used to laugh our ass off... hehehe... Vijay, got many connections, we cant c any1 in the offis who doesn know him. He started a new project. and QA UAT is over. its yet to got to Pre-Production and Production. :P
She s from Trissur! She is a good lady to spend time with! i dono. she gives me many advices when it comes to my frnds. She used to see me tensed over phone n she gives me lot f adice. But i cant help it. M like this. She is also a PM. recently i came to know tat. we wont feel tat we r talkin to a 'PM' when we talk to her. she is outspoken i guess.
i hav seen her cryin n smilin at the same time. She always say abt her kids, Abhi n Akhila. She showed their fotos also. Akhila is lookin exactly like Anjana. n abhi is lookin like her Hubby. He should be a real nice guy! n i got lotsa reasons to back it up, when i say tat. :)
Anjana doesn know much f cookin.. n everythin is done by her hubby. Hats off to him! he shud be real a patient :D Sorry Anjana. Hope u wont mind. :)
He is one f my project mates. he is famous for his silence. He talks well among his frnds but when it comes to a higher personality or some1 like tat, he keeps mum. tat, i wud say, is his only problem. He also does this trading thing n silently makes money... hehehe....
Rajesh, Ananth and Aditya
Hmmmm... got nothin much to tell abt them...Adi is always concentratin in his studies. He will always be with his ear-phones. Ananth is a very good frnd of mine. He was my Team Lead n now he went to another project. We used to go home together in his bike. He is very busy nowadays in his project. We still keep in touch. He s busy plannin to buy a home in chennai. i think he is done with it. :) i used to borrow money from him at time. i don think i owe him money now :D
Rajesh; hmmmmmmm... orkutin most f the time. Hmmm... i can understand. He used to come online at 2 at nite. Hmm... n don ask me how i know tat. I will also be online then.. khe khe khee... He used to download movies n give it to me. It is somethin like a network. we used to exchange movies. He asks me expert advice abt the movies. I gave him twice, then he stopped. khe khe khe... he had enough. :D
Saket, Shyam, Terror Sevvalai, Ramanathan, Santhosh, Sharanya, Nivedhitha, Meena, Swathika, Ramas, Sindhu, Suresh, Suganya, Soumya, Rajesh, Ashok etc etc etc...these are my frnds in BPM COE family.
Saket seems to b a studious guy. he will be workin most of the time. i used to give him some work too.. :D Sorry Saket. :)
Ramanathan - i dono much abt him. He is Mokkai King! OMG! Tamil nadu Govt provides Holidays for offices for 'Pongal" (its a festival kinda in TN, unfortunately its the name of a food item too). His point is, y is TN Govt givin holidays only for Pongal? He wanna take off for 'Dosai' Idli, White Rice etc etc... OMG!
Santhosh - another studious guy! Harry Potter Fan! preparing for CAT, MOUSE, GATE, DOOR, WINDOW etc etc... khe khe khe...
Sharanya - She is the one n only mallu gal in my team ;) i used to ask her movies but neva got a reply hehehe... i once borrowed reader's digest 3 months. Not returned YET! Sorry :D i think i lost it :|
i don hav time to explain abt all those ppl in the list... so every1 in BPM COE is nice! i think so...
At least they r nice to me :D
Guyssss.... m writin al this not to give u the pleasure of readin somethin nice abt u... khe khe khe... keep readin my blog...n increase the traffic. only then i can b popular (m an introvert though. But the point is 'earning money doesn sour!)... n can earn money. No one is readin my blog :(( :P
at least my frnds can read it na???? khe khe lkhe... this is wat i meant by sayin 'bLeSsInG iN dIsGuIsE'....u ll read this anyway cuz every1 loves readn abt themselves...
Howz my IDEA?????(sorry if its a very BIG blog)
Dude, dont tell its an expert advice. The names of the movie that u told were in the worst list of movies in the history of hollywood.
About the blog, its really a nice start. keep it goin.
thanks da,... :D
khe khe khe...
Opulently I to but I about the brief should have more info then it has.
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