There is only one thing they can write of their own! Genuinely-Their-OWN! tat wud be their own story...
here...i wanna say abt one of ma happiest moments in life.... :)

August 17 2006 - somewhere around 8 PM.
i was in the temple for some function happenin there. My intention was not to be there to attend the function. Tat was my last chance to talk to her, to tell her what i really wanted to tell her.
My frnds called me to go to another temple nearby. i dint wanna go. i told them i don want to. One of them already knew i loved her. i had told him tat i wanted to tell her that i love her. He dint compel me much to come to the temple.
i could see her runnin here n there... she was so active. she was smart. she was beautiful. i could still remember her eyes... i dint even know what she thought abt me.
Most of my frnds left me. i was alone. i could feel the heartbeat. i was so tensed. i heard she had an affair already. i was prayin to GOD al the time...
i washed my face at least 10 times in 30 mins. i dint wanna be nervous. i tried all the ways i could for not to look nervous. when i went to wash my face next time, i saw her holdin near the tap.
'Priya'*, i called her.
* Name changed on request :D
she turned back. "Hey Crow, tell me...'
( Crow - tat was (is) my nick name - my frnds call me - no one even knows whoz Anoop. But everyone knows whoz Kakka, the crow)
Me: i want to tell u somethin
Priya: Hmmm...what?
Me: I know what i'm doin is a mistake. Loving my frnd's sister is not a good thing. but i cant help it. I love u, Priya.
Priya: *laughs* i would say u r MAD! See, this is not gonna happen. You don even know me. You cant even identify me...
Forgot to tell you, they r twins :D (Priya* and Priyanka*) Tats another story... khe khe khe... but l8r...
Name changed!
It was not considered as a good act to love frnd's sister. It is not fair also. But frnd's sister is not MY sister. so i cant be blamed for loving her. What is the problem if she loves me too?? - i was soo tensed and all kind f stupid questions were exploding in my mind from all angles... i knew, it was neva gonna happen... but my love for her was domination than any other thought. i wanted to tell her my love. tat was my only intention, no matter what her reaction wud be. Me and her bro were in good terms. Not very good though. even then i believed i could convince her parents.
Priya: There is nothin to think abt it. My answer is a BIG NO!
Me: Hmmm... ok. But please think abt it.
I was too happy that i told her what i wanted to tell her. But i was tensed too on the other side, cuz What if she tells her bro tat i proposed her??????? OMG!!!!!!!!!!
Blood started pumping into my head n i could feel the 'Push'
here...i wanna say abt one of ma happiest moments in life.... :)

August 17 2006 - somewhere around 8 PM.
i was in the temple for some function happenin there. My intention was not to be there to attend the function. Tat was my last chance to talk to her, to tell her what i really wanted to tell her.
My frnds called me to go to another temple nearby. i dint wanna go. i told them i don want to. One of them already knew i loved her. i had told him tat i wanted to tell her that i love her. He dint compel me much to come to the temple.
i could see her runnin here n there... she was so active. she was smart. she was beautiful. i could still remember her eyes... i dint even know what she thought abt me.
Most of my frnds left me. i was alone. i could feel the heartbeat. i was so tensed. i heard she had an affair already. i was prayin to GOD al the time...
i washed my face at least 10 times in 30 mins. i dint wanna be nervous. i tried all the ways i could for not to look nervous. when i went to wash my face next time, i saw her holdin near the tap.
'Priya'*, i called her.
* Name changed on request :D
she turned back. "Hey Crow, tell me...'
( Crow - tat was (is) my nick name - my frnds call me - no one even knows whoz Anoop. But everyone knows whoz Kakka, the crow)
Me: i want to tell u somethin
Priya: Hmmm...what?
Me: I know what i'm doin is a mistake. Loving my frnd's sister is not a good thing. but i cant help it. I love u, Priya.
Priya: *laughs* i would say u r MAD! See, this is not gonna happen. You don even know me. You cant even identify me...
Forgot to tell you, they r twins :D (Priya* and Priyanka*) Tats another story... khe khe khe... but l8r...
Name changed!
It was not considered as a good act to love frnd's sister. It is not fair also. But frnd's sister is not MY sister. so i cant be blamed for loving her. What is the problem if she loves me too?? - i was soo tensed and all kind f stupid questions were exploding in my mind from all angles... i knew, it was neva gonna happen... but my love for her was domination than any other thought. i wanted to tell her my love. tat was my only intention, no matter what her reaction wud be. Me and her bro were in good terms. Not very good though. even then i believed i could convince her parents.
Priya: There is nothin to think abt it. My answer is a BIG NO!
Me: Hmmm... ok. But please think abt it.
I was too happy that i told her what i wanted to tell her. But i was tensed too on the other side, cuz What if she tells her bro tat i proposed her??????? OMG!!!!!!!!!!
Blood started pumping into my head n i could feel the 'Push'
Next day i left to Mookambika Temple. i had no concentration on anythin. i was always thinkin abt wat she wud be thinkin of...
i returned after 2 days. i saw her in the temple n i was hardly lookin at her. i was so tensed n panickin when she was around.
Priya: You need the reply, Right?
Me: Hmmm...
Priya: Please. As you know this is gonna create lot of problems. Am you frnd's sister. Public wont need any other reason.
Me: i don care. all i need to know is whether you love me or not.
Priya: No, i don love u.
On the same day, i saw her again in front of her house. Oops...forgot to tell you, She stays just opposite to my home :D
She was abt to tell me what it was when her Mom came. We went silent for sometime. she asked me if her bro is having my contact number.
Next day i was expectin her call... i was so damn sure that she would call me. n at last she called. i was so happy to know tat it was her cuz when i asked who was online, she said its my Grand Mother. khe khe khe...
As usual, she started advicin me. all i said is I DON CARE What others think. Why shud i even think of wat others think.
I don actually remember what exactly we talked. All i knew is, i was sooo excited and she had a soft-corner for me.
we talked for sometime and then cut the call. She dint accept my love but i knew she loved least she started to. :D
we started talkin since then... not for a long time. but not even once she accepted tat she loved me.
September 1 2006 - Some time in the afternoon
It was Onam time - Famous Festival in Kerala. n there were competitions conducted during that time. She had gone for some competition when i called her mobile.
Me: Hi... Where are you? its so noisy out there
Priya: Yea, i m in an auditorium. got a function to attend.
Me: Oh... Ok.
Priya: Hmmm....
Me: So whats ur reply????
Priya: reply for what??????
Me: Oh...u dono? Ok then.... See we hav been talkin since some time...n i dint get a reply yet. I need a reply. If u r not willin, i wont call you again.
Priya: hey please...Why r u sayin all this?
Me: Then what?? How much time shud i keep askin u this???
Priya: me after 5 mins. You will get to know my reply.
Me: What after 5 mins?
Priya: You will get to know. Hey i gotta go.
Me: Hmmm... Ok.
5 MINUTES! OMG! The longest 5 minutes in my life.... every 1 sec seemed to be a minute. time ticked way tooooooo slow. My mom was sittin next to me and she asked what happend to me... :)
i jus smiled at her. i dint have the guts to tell my mom that i m waitin for the reply from the gal i proposed... hehehe....
1 Missed Call!
i literally jumped from my seat when i heard it. i went inside my room n i called her.
Tu Hii Re....Tuu Hiii Ree...Tere Bina Mein Kaise Jiyuun...
OMG!!!!!!!!!! i was sooooooo very happy to hear that.... it was her Hello Tone. I have no words to explain how i felt then.
i was soooo happy then....i thanked my frnd (who let me stay there when every1 else went to another temple - as said above, somewhere, i dono :P)
i felt like i was the luckiest n happiest human being on earth. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....
Its really a gr8 feelin to love n to be loved. now i realize the value... of the song, of her presence, of the sound of her voice...
i wanna tell u more...but tat is not relevant to the heading...
So i'm stoppin here... :((
But never fall in love even though its a gr8 feelin... it can take ur soul away from uu... :)
i returned after 2 days. i saw her in the temple n i was hardly lookin at her. i was so tensed n panickin when she was around.
Priya: You need the reply, Right?
Me: Hmmm...
Priya: Please. As you know this is gonna create lot of problems. Am you frnd's sister. Public wont need any other reason.
Me: i don care. all i need to know is whether you love me or not.
Priya: No, i don love u.
On the same day, i saw her again in front of her house. Oops...forgot to tell you, She stays just opposite to my home :D
She was abt to tell me what it was when her Mom came. We went silent for sometime. she asked me if her bro is having my contact number.
Next day i was expectin her call... i was so damn sure that she would call me. n at last she called. i was so happy to know tat it was her cuz when i asked who was online, she said its my Grand Mother. khe khe khe...
As usual, she started advicin me. all i said is I DON CARE What others think. Why shud i even think of wat others think.
I don actually remember what exactly we talked. All i knew is, i was sooo excited and she had a soft-corner for me.
we talked for sometime and then cut the call. She dint accept my love but i knew she loved least she started to. :D
we started talkin since then... not for a long time. but not even once she accepted tat she loved me.
September 1 2006 - Some time in the afternoon
It was Onam time - Famous Festival in Kerala. n there were competitions conducted during that time. She had gone for some competition when i called her mobile.
Me: Hi... Where are you? its so noisy out there
Priya: Yea, i m in an auditorium. got a function to attend.
Me: Oh... Ok.
Priya: Hmmm....
Me: So whats ur reply????
Priya: reply for what??????
Me: Oh...u dono? Ok then.... See we hav been talkin since some time...n i dint get a reply yet. I need a reply. If u r not willin, i wont call you again.
Priya: hey please...Why r u sayin all this?
Me: Then what?? How much time shud i keep askin u this???
Priya: me after 5 mins. You will get to know my reply.
Me: What after 5 mins?
Priya: You will get to know. Hey i gotta go.
Me: Hmmm... Ok.
5 MINUTES! OMG! The longest 5 minutes in my life.... every 1 sec seemed to be a minute. time ticked way tooooooo slow. My mom was sittin next to me and she asked what happend to me... :)
i jus smiled at her. i dint have the guts to tell my mom that i m waitin for the reply from the gal i proposed... hehehe....
1 Missed Call!
i literally jumped from my seat when i heard it. i went inside my room n i called her.
Tu Hii Re....Tuu Hiii Ree...Tere Bina Mein Kaise Jiyuun...
OMG!!!!!!!!!! i was sooooooo very happy to hear that.... it was her Hello Tone. I have no words to explain how i felt then.
i was soooo happy then....i thanked my frnd (who let me stay there when every1 else went to another temple - as said above, somewhere, i dono :P)
i felt like i was the luckiest n happiest human being on earth. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....
Its really a gr8 feelin to love n to be loved. now i realize the value... of the song, of her presence, of the sound of her voice...
i wanna tell u more...but tat is not relevant to the heading...
So i'm stoppin here... :((
But never fall in love even though its a gr8 feelin... it can take ur soul away from uu... :)
try to make ur post shorter may be post it in parts.... people have very little patience these days....
i found the world kerala so jst continued reading ...
good work continue blogging
Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving comment..Got a chance to visit ur blog due to that...Nice work....
Keep writing..!!! :)
thanks guys... :)
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