i used to think wat wil i do to the public if i eva get a chance to get into polictics... Evry1 mite hav their own ideas...
i wud take off all the reservation thingy outa everywhr...
Reservation in Indian Law is a form of affirmative (fuckin) action for bla bla blaah....
u can find long long essays abt reservations if u search in google. there r reservations for Scheduled Caste, tribe, Muslims, Xians, OBC, Most backward community.. n among hindus, Brahmins has got reservations too... But what s the use???
there r reservations everywhr... colleges, Gove offices, civil services...i think they even hav this in IIT... khe khe khe...
we had a discussion abt this among our frnds... jus like tat we were talkin talkin n talkin. i thot i can write a blog outa it :|
In my point of view, Reservationz SUCK! i don care wat others think abt it.
Reservation is the biggest enemy of Meritocracy. We are offerin ppl a very liberal entry criteria. People shud b given chance based on their intelligence n not cuz f their fuckin caste or religion. 'Religion' n 'Caste' columns in application forms shud be taken off first. y they wanna know abt al those?
it is a form of discrimination which is insanely contrary to right to equality!
Scheduled Caste and tribes, Other Backward Community (OBC) etc etc.... ther r lots.. let them struggle. Seats shud be made available to public based on competitive merit...we are not here to bring these communities down. let them study well n let them be competitive.
one of my frnd lost a seat in one colg due to this fuckin reservation. His fate!
But u know what tat fuckin SC/ST guy did? he was such an idiot, Good for nothin fool. He was such a dumb fellow. He did nothin useful to the colg n he discontinued in between. My frnd, missed his seat n missed his 1 yr cuz f this fuck. i would hav been happy if tat SC/ST guy did study well but he wasted one valuable seat.

whats the difference between forward caste ppl n backward caste ppl??? is it jus the name, forward n backward??? every1z human being. every1 wanna live their life. is it fair to divide ourselves on the basis of our castes? y not reserve ppl based on their academic performance?? y not doin tat??
there r ppl everywhr to fight for their their reservations shamelessly... But its the public who gotta react...
Let their intelligence speak....
i can tell you, ther wont b any1 on earth who supports Reservation except thos who enjoy havin the privillage f bein reserved!
i wud take off all the reservation thingy outa everywhr...
Reservation in Indian Law is a form of affirmative (fuckin) action for bla bla blaah....
u can find long long essays abt reservations if u search in google. there r reservations for Scheduled Caste, tribe, Muslims, Xians, OBC, Most backward community.. n among hindus, Brahmins has got reservations too... But what s the use???
there r reservations everywhr... colleges, Gove offices, civil services...i think they even hav this in IIT... khe khe khe...
we had a discussion abt this among our frnds... jus like tat we were talkin talkin n talkin. i thot i can write a blog outa it :|
In my point of view, Reservationz SUCK! i don care wat others think abt it.
Reservation is the biggest enemy of Meritocracy. We are offerin ppl a very liberal entry criteria. People shud b given chance based on their intelligence n not cuz f their fuckin caste or religion. 'Religion' n 'Caste' columns in application forms shud be taken off first. y they wanna know abt al those?
it is a form of discrimination which is insanely contrary to right to equality!
Scheduled Caste and tribes, Other Backward Community (OBC) etc etc.... ther r lots.. let them struggle. Seats shud be made available to public based on competitive merit...we are not here to bring these communities down. let them study well n let them be competitive.
one of my frnd lost a seat in one colg due to this fuckin reservation. His fate!
But u know what tat fuckin SC/ST guy did? he was such an idiot, Good for nothin fool. He was such a dumb fellow. He did nothin useful to the colg n he discontinued in between. My frnd, missed his seat n missed his 1 yr cuz f this fuck. i would hav been happy if tat SC/ST guy did study well but he wasted one valuable seat.

whats the difference between forward caste ppl n backward caste ppl??? is it jus the name, forward n backward??? every1z human being. every1 wanna live their life. is it fair to divide ourselves on the basis of our castes? y not reserve ppl based on their academic performance?? y not doin tat??
there r ppl everywhr to fight for their their reservations shamelessly... But its the public who gotta react...
Let their intelligence speak....
i can tell you, ther wont b any1 on earth who supports Reservation except thos who enjoy havin the privillage f bein reserved!
your arguments reminds me of Anil Kapoors dialogue in Nayak :D( Mudalvan in Tamil ):)
i dint hav any topic to post it here... so i took this... ;)
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