One of my blogger friend said somethingz stinking about my recent posts. Yes, its true. A lot f things stink around here. I'm not able to help it. When we have a problem, we would try to solve it as soon as possible before it gets worse. I have a problem and I found a solution too.
Here, the problem is my life. 'to end it' is my solution. But I'm not courage enough.
Photo Credit: Vildan Uysal / Image
Here, the problem is my life. 'to end it' is my solution. But I'm not courage enough.
Photo Credit: Vildan Uysal / Image
Why so negative??? :|
cuz my life itself is negative.. :(
Hey bro..ending lyf is not a solution for any problem...n ending yur lyf is an act of cowardice , not courageous ....Just hold on , and soon beautiful times will come soon ..Remember that " When good time doesnt last long , neither does bad time ":)
ohh please yaar...don't think like this...You have a long way to go..Try to be positive in Life :)
i know endin life is not positive... and i wil neva do it...i hav said the reason also... its not cowardice.. hehehe...hmmm
let me see whr i m goin.. hmm.. would keep you posted.. ;)
hmmmmm i m always positive.. :D
jus gets negative at times... :P
ohh...b positive...
saying wat others have already said... :)
TC :)
Dont be so negative. I think things are all going against you and u feel like your life is a mess but try to figure it out. Giving up isnt an option.
i will just add to the negativity!
Urvashi... :)
every1z sayin the same thing.. :|
Thanks for drppin by... :)
Americanisin Desi...
OMG!scary one!one of my blogger friend said,darkest times are like walking through a tunnel where the bright light awaits at its end.so keep on walking no matter what.someday you'll find light :)
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