I'm running out of words. I dont know how to explain the situation. But I just know I'm hurt. Completely! I agree that I did a mistake. You decided to punish me and stopped talking to me. I dint say a word cuz I was guilty. Now, you did the same mistake. So I, obviously, decided to punish you. But even before that you decided how should I punish and how long it should last? Wow!
If you are to do everything, then why do u think I'm here?
hmmmmmmmmmmmmm... i dono harini...i dint express wats in my mind fully..i dono how to express it..
mayb this is the first post m not satisfied at al.. postin here... :((
Its fine ...You atleast tried to express it out somehow ...And I am sure many readers are quite smart enough to catch on what you wanted to say ...Some words are better understood in itself than explaining it in detail :)Tc
Thanks Arthi....
Hmph..may i know why all your post posses some sort of melancholy?
Many times they are way too connected to each other,as if they belong to someone.
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