Tuesday, January 26, 2010

god, why me?

If they are to leave me someday, why making me love them? Do you feel funny about it? You wanna see me worrying al the time? Have you ever heard my prayers, at least one?

Am I a testing-specimen?


Shriti said...

It happens with everyone.

Anoop said...

chocolate lover... no... it doesnt.. :((

Anonymous said...

yeah..it doesnt "happen" with everyone , but everybody "goes through this"...n dont worry , u vl test +ve ;)Cheer up :)

Meenakshi said...

Oh, sets of questions I have asked God ample number of times.. never got an answer...

If you do get an answer, share the info..

But from experience, it will get better and at some point we will realize why exactly..


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