i found some very interesting blogs recently. i was surprised to know the fact. Is it somethin like a Blog-House-Effect like Green-House-Effect?
I read a very good blog n 'HE' has a very good reputation when it comes to bloggin. He started bloggin 3 years back n he had only less than 25 followers. At the same time, i came across another blog n 'SHE' started bloogin a few months back. Early this year to be little specific. Her 'topics' were 'OK'. Neither good nor bad n she had less than 50 posts in total. BUT, she had more than 70 followers.
Another funny fact is, most of them were 'Guys'! khe khe khe... Guys do follow 'ONLY' gals' blog? Why is it so? Only Gals do write good blogs? Duh!
Why Guys only follow gals? Even when it comes to blog? i can think of obvious reasons when it comes to other topics...khe khe khe... Hey gals out there - you are lucky! Your blogs get more popular than a guy's.
PS: You can read the first part here, on my other blog.
I read a very good blog n 'HE' has a very good reputation when it comes to bloggin. He started bloggin 3 years back n he had only less than 25 followers. At the same time, i came across another blog n 'SHE' started bloogin a few months back. Early this year to be little specific. Her 'topics' were 'OK'. Neither good nor bad n she had less than 50 posts in total. BUT, she had more than 70 followers.
Another funny fact is, most of them were 'Guys'! khe khe khe... Guys do follow 'ONLY' gals' blog? Why is it so? Only Gals do write good blogs? Duh!
Why Guys only follow gals? Even when it comes to blog? i can think of obvious reasons when it comes to other topics...khe khe khe... Hey gals out there - you are lucky! Your blogs get more popular than a guy's.
PS: You can read the first part here, on my other blog.
So gender biased you are.... its nothing like guy or gal no one can see or flirt through blogging its about writing skills...
i dnt really think so...
if u think den u hve missd out some star male bloggers too...:P
best wishes for u (so dt u too get a huge traffic soon...:)..)
oops r u not gender-biased???
dont say tat...every human being on the planet are gender-biased
n u r too.. :P
n ofcos its abt writin skills i dint say its not tat... but jus hover ur mind around other blogs.. u ll get to know :P
m not actually worried or cravin for some traffic for my blog.. :P i m jus finidin this place jus as a place to write...
n i hva seen very good male bloggers..karthink is one f them.. :D
rimz... pls.. don say tat... khe khe khe.. jus as i said b4, jus hav a look at other blogs.. u ll get to know abt it.. n u ll say wat i said is true.. ;)
Interesting observation :D Even though I hate to admit it, it's kinda true you know :|
yea its true.. i know for obvious reasons...ahem ahem... ;)
hmm...u observing things a gr8 deal haa..!! ;)
I dont know abt ur observation bt I follow those blogs whose content is nice....
n yeah ...a blog can never be judged by its no.of followers....
A blog is a platform to express your thoughts....how many ppl actually read it or follow it should be of secondary imp.... wat matters is quality comments n readers..!!!
N hope u r not like the other guys ;) ;)
i dint mean to say tat the number f followers r cuz f that..i jus said wat i felt.. guys mostly do it cuz of tat reason...
if a guy has 10 reasons to follow a blog, one f the reason mite b the gender of the author (ofcos if she s a female) khe khe khe...
thr r exceptions also... ;)
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