I haven't slept properly for a while. I dont get to sleep properly when I'm in Coimbatore. I will go to bed at 12 or probably 12.30 after spending sometime talkin to my friends and then go to bed. Gotta wake up by 8.30 minimum to reach office at 10, though my office starts at 9.
Following this timing throughout a month left me with lot of sleeplessness and anyone could easily spot it looking into my eyes. After waiting for a month or so, I came home hoping to sleep till 11 in the morning.
Today morning Mom came to wake me up at 8.30. According to her, 8.30 is too late. I ignored her scoldings and slept again. I tried to get her sympathy saying about my work at office and my tensions though I dont have any work at all ;). She came at 9 to cal me again. I ignored that too. But she came with a glass of water and poured into my eyes. I ignored. Thanks to Mom again for training me (how to sleep even when someone sprinkle water into my eyes) these many years. She did that twice.
Now, its a warning. She gives only two chances and if I dint get up by then, she will use her ultimate trick. Her weapon is still water, but this time she is gonna attack my ears. OMG! That's her last resort. Just a single drop. It will wash away a week's sleep and I will jump off my bed. She gives me a cute smile as if nothing of that sort happened and I love her for that :D
PS: Unit of time (in this blog) is 'AM'... khe khe khe...
Photo Credit: Sara / Image
Following this timing throughout a month left me with lot of sleeplessness and anyone could easily spot it looking into my eyes. After waiting for a month or so, I came home hoping to sleep till 11 in the morning.
Today morning Mom came to wake me up at 8.30. According to her, 8.30 is too late. I ignored her scoldings and slept again. I tried to get her sympathy saying about my work at office and my tensions though I dont have any work at all ;). She came at 9 to cal me again. I ignored that too. But she came with a glass of water and poured into my eyes. I ignored. Thanks to Mom again for training me (how to sleep even when someone sprinkle water into my eyes) these many years. She did that twice.
Now, its a warning. She gives only two chances and if I dint get up by then, she will use her ultimate trick. Her weapon is still water, but this time she is gonna attack my ears. OMG! That's her last resort. Just a single drop. It will wash away a week's sleep and I will jump off my bed. She gives me a cute smile as if nothing of that sort happened and I love her for that :D
PS: Unit of time (in this blog) is 'AM'... khe khe khe...
Photo Credit: Sara / Image