i really feel ashamed! i could have done better. i had a Table Tennis match 2day n i screwed it. Same thing happened yesterday also. Comparatively, my opponents were not good-players. No, i'm not under-estimating them. They are really good players. But they were not up to my level till yesterday. For my dismay, they defeated me just like that. I did spoil my game a lot. i'm not playing well nowadays. Hmm.. :| Maybe. Godz teachin me some lesson... :)
Never in my life again, i'll play Table Tennis again. I gotta keep seeing this blog to keep me reminding about the embarrassment. Hope this will help me to keep myself away from the board. Hmm... i know its too tough for a decision but i gotta stop it. I'm not a good player n so be it.
Never in my life again, i'll play Table Tennis again. I gotta keep seeing this blog to keep me reminding about the embarrassment. Hope this will help me to keep myself away from the board. Hmm... i know its too tough for a decision but i gotta stop it. I'm not a good player n so be it.
Well it may seem blah blah to you , but jus coz a game didnt go well , you shouldnt stop playing .. maybe God wanted you to really concentrate n play othr games , so he taught u a lesson
not jus one game... but many...
i don wanna play it anymo... :((
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