She, on
day 1 - gave a rude stare
day 5 - jus a look this time
day 11 - a not-smiling smile
day 23 - a genuine smile
day 34 - 'Hi'
day 48 - 'good mornin email'
day 63 - email but not an email :P
day 78 - Hey, long time. How are you?
day 81 - emails emails n emails
day 100 - Hey, its the 100th day. did u know?
day 100 - first text message
day 121 - formal text messages
day 142 - texts getting casual
day 160 - texts texts n text messages
day 200 - m missing her
day 245 - she z missing me... :D
day 365 - Hey, 1 year is completed since our frndship. See we dint even know :P
day 366 - Propose her
day 366 - she smiles...
day 366 - a glimpse of hope...
But, I'm on day 1 BTW. Khe khe khe... rest r the forecasts... ;)
Photo Credit: Ahmed Al-Shukaili / Image
Very funny, dude! We are damn good at forecasting, aren't we? But they've never come true till now. :~(
Maybe someday....
By the way, your blog looks great. Will read them all one by one. Keep writing!
thanks karthik.....
yes u r right...we r good at forecasting...
hello dear u have been awarded :)
:D :D
gr8 u r n ur imaginations :P
btw u have been awarded :)
Thanks riyaa...
my imaginations r real crazy sometimes... khe khe khe...
BTW, awarded with wat??? :O
Sorry riya.. i really dono wat next if i m awarded.. this is my first time.. :D
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