Money makes me so happy that i feel i'm on top of the world. When i work on somethin for quite some time, i get bored. i curse them, i blame them. But when i get to do the same work for a higher salary, i praise them. Money matters to me a lot.
There is no point in teasin me. i cant be blamed. You will also do wat i did if u were in the same situation. Or does tat make u jealous when i do wat u do but i get a better paycheck?
There is no point in teasin me. i cant be blamed. You will also do wat i did if u were in the same situation. Or does tat make u jealous when i do wat u do but i get a better paycheck?
Money cant buy you health and happiness but yesit can certainly give you a better standard of living.If you dojob and you get paid for it its a good thing , there is nothing that beats that feeling that your efforts have been rewarded.
Hmmm...thanka for droppin by..angel..
better std of livin gives u hapiness dont they? money is wat really matters... it cant buy u health but it can take u to a betta hospital when u r sick..
it cant buy u happiness but it can buy u things which can make u happy...
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