Thursday, September 10, 2009

wiLL yoU fOrGiVe mE? :((

i get jealous when i see you talkin to others. i feel y am i not so lucky to be one of your friend. i was so nervous when i talked to you for the first time. i still have those mails i sent you. But for some (obvious) reasons, you started to avoiding me.

i felt happy when i wished you on your bday at 12 o'clock. i had bought bday cards and also wrote a letter months earlier. But i dint get a chance to give it to you. i waited for my bday to hear you wishin me. But you dint. U dint, even when i said it was my bday. i dint want bday cards, gifts but jus a 'Happy B'day'. i know you are being honest. i respect you, and your feelings. it was my mistake.

But, did i do such a mistake that can never be forgiven?

Photo Credit: Ann- Kathrin Rehse / Image


Anjit said...

Thanks to Orkut,
I came to read your Blog,
what you wrote is written with a bit blue feeling,

but it makes me reclaim the reason, Why I Forgive all....

Anoop said...

Thanks for dropin by... Ansh..

Urvashi said...

Hmm.. u rly did something so Unforgiveable...Cant beleive.. I hope this was just fiction...

BTW wens ur B'day???

TC :)

Anoop said...

No urvashi...
its not a fiction... its true... :(

my bday???? :O
Aug 10th.... :)


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