it has been a very tough day for me yet!
i could harldy see my frnds here in the offis... August 11 2009 - The day they would neva forget in their life. My frnds received an email yesterday (August 10th) asking them to come to offis very soon.. They really dint know the purpose of such an email. Though they had a very vague idea somethin-good was abt tp happen...
Their imaginations crossed the boundaries! They joined in our company on August 11 2008. They thought this shud be a get-together kinda!
But wat they heard when they reached offis was different from wat they thot it would be. They were asked to remain in their seats starting from 9 AM to 5 PM. They were not supposed to register their attendence (punch-in: the way we call it). i saw my frnds being at their desks with their systems off. i wondered wat!
One of them came to me n said 'Hi Anoop, Take care n Enjoy...for we wont meet from 2moro!'
WHAT?!? i was shocked! i dint understan wat was happenin around me.
i could see other's heads peepin outa their cubicle...one of them were cryin!
i could see some higher officials comin n taking one after another into a cabin. The moment they come out, they take their things n leave the building! Yes, they were laid off!
i hav heard f lay-off in many companies, but neva eva thot it would happen in my company...
One of my frnd who was workin for my project came n gave me a shake-hand n said 'Anoop, i had a great time with u..' OMG! i felt so sad..i dint know wat to tell him. he was still smiling. Almost 16 people in my team were fired! They were treated, i mean the way they take them to give their releaving letter, like hostages... as if they did some serious mistake. it was hard for everyone of us to see them leaving. We have to accept the facts. but the ugly thing is, they were fired on the day the completed 1 YEAR...
i once received a fwd email which said 'Do not love your company, for your company may stop loving u anytime' Well said tat is... Very true...
Guys, m praying for u... i cant give u a job...but i can at least try finding one... We all are with u...
m really forced to change the letter rhyme i studied when i was in nursery classes...according to our current IT trendz...
A for Analysis...
B for Build...
C for Code...
D for Decision...
E for Estimate...
F for Framework...
L for Lay-off!